CNA Piemonte _ 2019

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Auditorium Città Studi _ Biella _ November 24th, 2019 Presentation of the sculptures Bimbo Farer at the Annual Regional Convention of CNA Piedmont

Biella becomes the Piedmontese "capital" of micro and small businesses on Sunday 24th November 2019.

Guest of the event: Alberto Cirio (President of the Piedmont Region), Daniele Vaccarino (National President of CNA), Fabrizio Actis (Regional President of CNA) and Provenzano (Regional Secretary CNA Piedmont).

During the convention Daniele Marini, sociologist and director of the Community Media Research Institute, will present his research about Territory and enterprises. Gabriele Russo, RAI editor, will be the moderator of the discussion between the guests Alberto Cirio, Daniele Vaccarino, Fabrizio Actis, Filippo Provenzano and Sandro Petretto, UniCredit Nord-Ovest SME manager.

During the morning, CNA Biella will present the sculpture "Bimbo Faber" created by the artist Daniele Basso from Biella to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the territorial association.